Easy Cream Puff With Custard Filling Recipe

Discover the art of creating delightful cream puffs with custard filling with our easy-to-follow recipe. Indulge in these fluffy treats that are sure to satisfy your sweet cravings.

Preparation Time:

30 minutes

Cooking Time:

20 minutes

Kitchen Applliances:

VATTI Combi Oven

Step 1: Puff Preparation

Prepare the ingredients:  All-purpose flour (210g), 16 eggs, water (390ml), 1tbsp salt and Butter (150g).

Puff Preparation Procedure:

  1. In a pot, combine sugar, butter, and salt. Cook on simmer flame until melted.
  2. Quickly add all-purpose flour and stir vigorously until it forms a dough.
  3. Remove the batter from the stove and let it cool down for about 15 minutes.
  4. After cooling, add 6 eggs and stir evenly using a stir machine.
  5. Prepare a baking ring, piping bag, and piping head to fill the batter.
  6. Transfer the batter to a piping bag and pipe it around the baking ring.

Step 2: Custard Filling Preparation

Prepare the ingredients: sugar (200g), 5 eggs, milk (1L), custard powder (100g), flour (50g), whipping cream (400ml)

Filling Preparation Procedure:

  1. Mix all the filling ingredients in a pot, including eggs, milk, custard powder, and flour.
  2. Boil on low heat until it thickens.
  3. Beat the whipping cream until stiff.

Step 3: Start to cook puff!

Puff Cook Procedure:

  1. Preheat VATTI Combi Oven to 190 degrees Celsius.
  2. Bake the puff in the oven for about 20 minutes.
  3. Avoid opening the oven door during baking to prevent the puff from collapsing.
  4. After baking, let the puff cooling down for 15 minutes.

Step 4: Final touch

Final step:

  1. Cut the puff into two halves.
  2. Squeeze the filling onto one-half of the puff.
  3. Place the other half on top to create a filled puff.
  4. Enjoy your delicious homemade puffs!

What Do You Eat with Custard Cream Puff?

Enjoying a custard cream puff is a delight, but why not enhance the experience with some tasty companions? Here are easy and delicious pairings to elevate your custard cream puff:

  1. Fresh Berries:
    • Add a burst of natural sweetness with strawberries, raspberries, or blueberries. The fruity contrast complements the creamy custard.
  2. Chocolate Drizzle:
    • Elevate your puff with a simple chocolate drizzle – dark, milk, or white. It’s an easy way to add a touch of luxury.
  3. Caramel Sauce:
    • Dive into decadence by drizzling your cream puff with caramel. The buttery notes enhance the richness of the custard.
  4. Coffee or Espresso:
    • For a sophisticated twist, enjoy your cream puff with a cup of coffee or espresso. The robust flavors create a perfect balance.
  5. Whipped Cream and Nuts:
    • Boost texture with whipped cream and chopped nuts like almonds or hazelnuts. It adds a delightful crunch to the soft cream puff.
  6. Fruit Coulis:
    • Introduce a burst of flavor with a fruit coulis, like raspberry or passion fruit. The fruity notes cut through the richness of the custard.
  7. Vanilla Ice Cream:
    • Take it up a notch with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. The combination of temperatures and textures is both comforting and indulgent.

Explore these simple pairings to find your favorite way to enjoy custard cream puffs. Whether you like a classic combo or want to try something bold, there’s a world of delicious possibilities to enhance your dessert experience.

Custard Cream Puff Recipe FAQs

Custard is thick and smooth, made with egg yolks, sugar, and milk. Cream filling, like whipped cream or pastry cream, is lighter.

Underbaking might be the issue. Ensure your oven is hot, bake until golden, and let them cool in the oven slightly ajar.

Let cream puffs cool completely before filling. Adding a thin layer of chocolate inside can also help prevent sogginess.

Flat puffs may be due to underbaking or opening the oven too soon. Bake until golden, and keep the oven closed during baking.

It’s best not to. Store them in the fridge for up to two days in an airtight container. For longer storage, freeze and thaw when needed.

Cream Puff With Custard Filing Recipe



Prep time


Cooking time





cream puff with custard filing have a delightful taste, featuring a light and airy pastry filled with smooth and sweet custard cream, creating a perfect blend of textures and flavors.


  • All-purpose flour (210g)

  • 21 eggs

  • Water (390ml)

  • 1 tbsp salt and Butter (150g)

  • Sugar (200g)

  • Milk (1L)

  • Custard powder (100g)

  • Flour (50g)

  • Whipping cream (400ml)


  • In a pot, combine sugar, butter, and salt. Cook on simmer flame until melted.

  • Quickly add all-purpose flour and stir vigorously until it forms a dough.

  • Remove the batter from the stove and let it cool down for about 15 minutes.

  • After cooling, add 6 eggs and stir evenly using a stir machine.

  • Prepare a baking ring, piping bag, and piping head to fill the batter.

  • Transfer the batter to a piping bag and pipe it around the baking ring.

  • Mix all the filling ingredients in a pot, including eggs, milk, custard powder, and flour.

  • Boil on low heat until it thickens.

  • Beat the whipping cream until stiff.

  • Preheat VATTI Combi Oven to 190 degrees Celsius.

  • Bake the puff in the oven for about 20 minutes.

  • Avoid opening the oven door during baking to prevent the puff from collapsing.

  • After baking, let the puff cooling down for 15 minutes.

  • Cut the puff into two halves.

  • Squeeze the filling onto one-half of the puff.

  • Place the other half on top to create a filled puff.

  • Enjoy your delicious homemade puffs!

    Final thoughts

    A combi oven creates perfect puffs with its precise temperature control and steam function, resulting in crispy exteriors and soft interiors. Enjoy bakery-quality pastries at home with the convenience of this versatile appliance.

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