Spicy Enoki Mushrooms Recipe: Step-by-Step Guide

Discover the joy of cooking with our Spicy Enoki Mushrooms Recipe. A burst of flavors in a simple dish. Try it now!

Preparation Time:

10 minutes

Cooking Time:

15 minutes

Kitchen Applliances:

VATTI Combi Oven

Step 1: Ingredients Preparation

spicy enoki mushroom ingredient
spicy enoki mushroom ingredient
spicy enoki mushroom ingredient
spicy enoki mushroom ingredient

Prepare the ingredients:  enoki mushroom (200g), 1/2 cup millet spicy (chopped), 1/2 cup green onion (chopped), 2 cloves garlic (chopped), 2tbsp oyster sauce, 1tbsp light soy sauce, tbsp sesame oil and tbsp sugar

Ingredients Preparation Procedure:

  1. Chop garlic, millet spicy and green onion.
  2. Place garlic and millet spicy on enoki mushrooms.
  3. Prepare sauce by mixing oyster sauce, dark light sauce, sesame, and sugar.
  4. Pour the sauce mixture over the enoki mushrooms.

Step 2: Start to cook Spicy Enoki Mushroom

Prepare the ingredients: tbsp vegetable oil (for green oil), 1 tbsp chili oil (for hot oil)

Spicy Enoki Mushroom Cook Procedure:

  1. Use combi oven – using “crispy roast” function & “high steam level”.
  2. Combi oven cook for 15 minutes.
  3. Once the enoki mushrooms are done cooking, take them out of the combi oven.
  4. Drizzle the green oil and hot oil over the mushrooms for added flavor and presentation.

Note: To make the green oil, you can blend green onions with vegetable oil until smooth. For the hot oil, you can simply heat chili oil until it’s warm. Adjust the spiciness of the oils to your taste preference.

What Do You Eat with Spicy Enoki Mushroom?

Spicy Enoki Mushrooms bring a fiery kick to your palate. Here are straightforward suggestions on what to pair with these flavorful mushrooms:

  1. Steamed Rice or Noodles:
    • The heat of spicy or Mala enoki mushrooms pairs perfectly with the neutral base of steamed rice or noodles.
  2. Tofu or Chicken:
    • Add protein to your meal by incorporating tofu or chicken. Their mild flavors complement the boldness of the spicy mushrooms.
  3. Vegetable Stir-Fry:
    • Create a colorful and nutritious combination by stir-frying vegetables like bell peppers, broccoli, and carrots alongside the spicy enoki mushrooms.
  4. Fried Tofu Cubes:
    • For an extra layer of texture, consider adding crispy fried tofu cubes. They absorb the spicy flavor and add a satisfying crunch.
  5. Cold Beer or Iced Tea:
    • If you enjoy beverages with your spicy dish, a cold beer or iced tea can help cool the palate between bites.
  6. Peanuts or Cashews:
    • Introduce a crunchy element by topping your spicy enoki mushrooms with crushed peanuts or cashews. The nuts add texture and depth to the dish.
  7. Ramen Noodles:
    • Transform your spicy enoki mushrooms into a complete meal by mixing them into a bowl of steaming ramen noodles. The broth will absorb the spicy flavors, creating a satisfying bowl.

Experiment with these pairings to discover your perfect match, whether you prefer a light side or a hearty meal. The versatility of Spicy Enoki Mushrooms offers a range of delicious dining options.

Spicy Enoki Mushroom Recipe FAQs

Enoki mushrooms, known for their slender stems and tiny caps, are a versatile and popular ingredient in various cuisines, originating from East Asia.

Spicy enoki mushrooms from China have a bold, savoury flavour with added heat, enhancing the natural sweetness of the mushrooms.

When stored properly in the refrigerator, enoki mushrooms can last about a week. Keep them in a breathable container to prevent moisture buildup.

Avoid washing enoki mushrooms, as they are delicate. Instead, trim the root end and wipe any debris with a damp cloth.

Enoki mushrooms are low in calories and carbs, making them suitable for low-carb or keto diets while providing essential nutrients.

Seafood mushrooms have a thicker stem and a nuttier flavor, differing from the slender and delicate enoki mushrooms with a slightly fruity taste.

Spicy Enoki Mushrooms Recipe

Recipe by vattimalaysiaCourse: Appetizers, SnacksCuisine: ChinaDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time





Spicy enoki mushrooms combine the mildness of enoki with spice, creating a delightful, contrasting flavor. The slender mushrooms absorb heat and numbing sensations for a satisfying, spicy experience.


  • Enoki mushroom (200g)

  • 1/2 cup millet spicy (chopped)

  • 1/2 cup green onion (chopped)

  • 2 cloves garlic (chopped)

  • 2 tbsp oyster sauce

  • 1 tbsp light soy sauce

  • 1 tbsp sesame oil

  • 1 tbsp sugar

  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil (for green oil)

  • 1 tbsp chili oil (for hot oil)


  • Chop garlic, millet spicy and green onion.

  • Place garlic and millet spicy on enoki mushrooms.

  • Prepare sauce by mixing oyster sauce, dark light sauce, sesame, and sugar.

  • Pour the sauce mixture over the enoki mushrooms.

  • Use combi oven – using “crispy roast” function & “high steam level”.

  • Combi oven cook for 15 minutes.

  • Once the enoki mushrooms are done cooking, take them out of the combi oven.

  • Drizzle the green oil and hot oil over the mushrooms for added flavor and presentation.


  • To make the green oil, you can blend green onions with vegetable oil until smooth. For the hot oil, you can simply heat chili oil until it's warm. Adjust the spiciness of the oils to your taste preference.

Final thoughts

The combination of crispy and tender textures from the combi oven cooking creates a delightful dish that you can enjoy as a side or even as a main course with rice or noodles.

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